Thursday, September 3, 2009

Is it up or down

Today the Vice President said that the stimulus package was working better than they thought. A couple of months ago they said that things were worse than they thought. What? Was the stimulus package too much or to little? How can you judge that Mr. Vice President when you can’t tell how much has been spent from the stimulus package?

It may be too early to know. For one thing, less than 7% of the stimulus package is to be spent in 2009, which is this year, and less than 10 billion has been spent to date. We’re less than 6 months of spending from the package anyways. Could this be the normal upswing that would have happened if the package had not been passed? Most likely.

Many economists believe that this slight improvement would have happened without the stimulus package and that the package will only have a negative effect here as the third quarter progresses. In fact many are of the thought that the uncontrolled spending of the 111th congress and this White House will only send us into a deeper recession and that this upswing is smaller than it would have been had the Congress controlled it’s spending.

Let’s put all this aside for a moment. If the stimulus package has improved things better than expected, than how much better would things be if the stimulus package was spent this year instead of the time frame it is going to be spent. This year less than 10% is to be spent. Next year, 2010 about 40% is to be spent. Interesting that such a large amount is to be spent in an election year and not in the year that the recession is effecting us so much. Consider that in 2011 about 10% of the stimulus package is to be spent with the remaining 43% to be spent in 2012, which by the way is an election year as well.

Let’s see, in the year when the money is needed by people to help them get out of the recession, the left wing congress spends less than 7% of the money it said it needed to spend to speed up the recovery. In the two election years when we should be out of the recession the congress spends 83% of the stimulus package. I wonder why?

Either the 111th Congress and the White House have no clue or there is something deeper to this spending. Could it be they are attempting to destroy the economy that we have had for over 200 years with record deficit spending? If so than why? The fact is this White house have spent more money than the past 43 administrations combined. I dare to say it is all a power grab by the extreme left and if they are successful than the great experiment know as The United States that the Founders formed will disappear and a State will appear that none of will want to live in yet we will be trapped in. We have seen these type of States fail thought time and we may be about to witness it in our lifetime.

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