Thursday, October 14, 2010

"D" for drive? I think not!

In a recent speech President Obama said “ You choose "D" to drive forward and "R" to drive backward” otherwise know as reverse. He was referring to the fact that his policies are moving the country forward and the Republican policies like that of President Bush was like putting the car in reverse.

Let’s look at the Bush failed policies. In 2007 when Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and then “rising star” Senator Barack Obama took over Congress. The national deficit was projected to be around 100 billion dollars. After 2 years of Democratic control the deficit was projected to be at 168 billion dollars (this was at the end of the Bush Presidency). After two years of driving forward (D for Democrat) the Obama Administration has driven us to a 1.6 trillion deficit.

The President warns about giving the car keys back to the people and failed policies that put us in the mess. May I suggest that it was President Carter who engineered the beginning of the problems by passing “The Community Renewal Act” which was to put every American in a house of their own. This is comparable to President Roosevelt’s “a chicken in every pot.

It would take nearly 30 years, but this policy along with the Democrat party ignoring several warning signs to cause the banking failure of 2008 where then President Bush signed a bailout bill to hopefully correct the problem. The financial failure was made worse by the price of oil going up to $150.00 a barrel. This caused gas to rapidly go up to $4.00 + a gallon.

I would like to correct the President. The “D” in Democrat stands more for destruction. Destroying the future of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren by deficit spending is destruction. Every child born today has a debt rate of over $44,000.00 owed to the government. If Obamacare follows the same miscalculation that Medicare has, the 986 billion price tag will be more like 9 trillion.

I don’t see how this can be considered driving forward. In the 1930’s the Democrat party tried the same policy and failed. It took WWII to turn the country around. The Obama administration and the 111th congress have followed this same policy only spending more money at a faster rate.

May I suggest the “R” in Republican stand for Reduction and Reaganomics. Reduce the size of government. Reduce the rate of spending. Reduce the impact of government regulations. Allow the private sector to produce the jobs needed to get the economy flowing again. It would be more like resurrection. You could call it Reagan’s “morning in America” all over again. I prefer morning to sunset any day!

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