Saturday, April 3, 2010

Change and A New Direction You Can Believe In?

Princess Pelosi is feeling her oats. (No, I didn't say she eats oats.) Pelosi says that Barack Obama was more excited when healthcare legislation passed the House than the night he was elected president. Perhaps that's because he knew his election was a foregone conclusion .. not so for ObamaCare. Or .. maybe that was because his election meant that he was going to realize his dream of "fundamentally transform(ing) America." Fact is the passage of ObamaCare DID "fundamentally transform America." America is being transformed from a society of independent-minded, hard-working individuals to one where government rules all aspects of life. The transformation is to government dependency where self-reliance used to be the norm. In Obama's America people actually get smokin' mad when you suggest they should be responsible for their own lives.

DeToqueville's prediction has come to pass. A huge number of Americans have figured out they can use a ballot box to take someone else's property .. and America is in decline.

Pelosi said she told Obama, "If you had not been elected president of the United States, we would not be celebrating this victory for change to take our country in a new direction."

This sounds similar to something Pelosi said just weeks ago to a roundtable of liberal bloggers. Remember this quote? Pelosi said, "Kick open that door, and there will be other legislation to follow ... We'll take the country in a new direction."

As I've already explained above, it is no secret what this "new direction" encompasses - an entitlement society, a redistributive society, a society based on some leftist idea of "fairness" rather than hard work. A society that demonizes success and honors failure.

We've seen that the moocher class is more than ready to become active in their quest for someone else's property. The question now is whether or not the productive class is ready to fight back. Our decline is apparent. If you can't see it, you aren't paying attention. Seeing it happen in front of your face is one thing ... doing something about it is another. Are you prepared to work as hard to preserve liberty as the left is to destroy it? Are you willing to work as hard to keep the wealth you produce as the moochers and looters are to seize it?

I've been alive for 55 years now. That's quite a few elections. I have never been through an election as important as this one. I've never seen an election as critical to the future of this country.

You now have a good idea what Obama meant by "fundamentally transform." He has every intention of transforming America to a European-style socialist welfare state where government is the most important single factor in the lives of every American. Obama intends to punish productivity and reward laziness to the point that we become an egalitarian society (where everyone has an equal amount of stuff) rather than a society of equal opportunity.

You've seen ObamaCare. Our country cannot survive this hideously expensive monstrosity. But there's more to come. Cap-and-Trade is on the way. Unions will become more powerful. And then there's the Value Added Tax. If we sit on our kiesters in November and leave the now-dangerous Democrat Party in charge we might not have another chance to turn this around. I know. I know. That sounds overboard - but I believe it strongly. The mid-term elections this November will be transformational. You can say "no more" to Obama and his plans to fundamental transformation, or you can say ... "What the hell, go ahead. We'll see how it works out."

Remember ... as you campaign for the defeat of Democrats this November you'll be called every name in the book. You'll be a racist, of course. But you'll also be a violent, dangerous right-winger who wants to kill anyone who works for or enables the federal government. You'll be defined as someone who wants children and old people to die. You name it .. you'll be called it. People will fight very hard and use every tactic to protect their power or their dependency status.

Are you up to it?

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