Tuesday, December 15, 2009


It is beyond my imagination that people actually believe ........
· That the Social Security taxes they pay are actually put into a trust fund ... an account with their name on it from which they will later draw their retirement benefits.

· That their employer actually "matches" what the government calls their "contribution" to their very own personal Social Security trust fund.

· That the founders of this nation actually wanted a system where the majority of people would decide what was and what was not to be ... with no provision for a firm set of laws that could not be breached by majority rule.

· That your average homeless bum on the streets would be enjoying a life of plenty if he had just been lucky like people with actual homes and jobs and stuff

· That it is the goal of schools owned, operated and staffed by the government to take our children and teach them to be self-sufficient so that they will not have to rely on government and politicians so much.

· That the Democrats are pushing for a health reform law because they are actually concerned about the quality, affordability and availability of health care in this country.

· That when the colonies got together and formed a federation to provide for a common defense and to oversee certain relationships between the governments and the people of the several states, it was intended for 95% of all governance to pack up and move to Washington DC.

· That our founding fathers contrived and envisioned a system where the federal government could seize money from the people of a state, and then promise to give that money back, but only if the state would pass some specific laws pleasing to the federal government.

· That there is a Constitutional right to vote in a federal election. (Well, I guess I can understand why so many people believe this; after all, this is what they're taught in the government schools.)

· That when the majority of voters figure out that they can use the ballot box to take property away from their fellow Americans, nothing bad will happen.

· That changes in the intensity of solar activity couldn't possibly have anything to do with the heating and cooling cycles we experience here on earth.

· That the evil rich don't, in fact, already pay much more than their "fair share" of all taxes, whatever that might be.
I could go on with this list for hours, but there's a show to do. No .. it isn't that these people are stupid. Stupid means you CAN'T learn. These people just HAVEN'T learned. That's ignorance.

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